Top 10 Nutrition Myths That Just Won’t Die

4 min readAug 4, 2022

As you know, I am a doctor. It’s part of my job to stay up to date with what’s going on in the medical/health research field. Retirement helps, because physicians simply don’t have “excess time” to devote to the scientific literature.

But I do. And I like it. I’m one of those people who really loves…willingly…chemistry. When I finish here, you should be excited too, especially if you’re interested in sports nutrition and antioxidants, but not necessarily in that order.

Sports nutrition is a broad discipline focused on optimizing PERFORMANCE. Immediately, I can think of quite a few sports nutrition related categories:

“ sports nutrition and sports supplements,
“ sports nutrition and athletic performance,
“ sports nutrition sports and fitness,
“ sports nutrition and endurance training,
“ sports nutrition and special multi-sport diets,
“ sports nutrition and bodybuilding,
“ nutrition sports nutrition for running, jogging, walking, skiing, swimming
“There’s even Rocky Mountain sports nutrition
“… the list is endless.

So far, no surprises, right? Here is one for you. Did you know that when you exercise hard, you increase the load of free radicals in your body? If you are a serious sports enthusiast, you should know this.

But… it’s true what science is discovering about your free radical load. You should be very careful here.
Suddenly chemistry becomes really personal.

Each of us has what is called our antioxidant defense. This means that our bodies normally use antioxidants to protect us against the harmful effects of free radicals.

First of all, what are antioxidants? These are molecules that work to compensate for the damage caused by free radicals to the body.

Antioxidants, “quenching” free radicals (lack of a better metaphor) neutralize their harmful effects on the body’s cells.

“Antioxidants are found in foods like cranberries, green tea and even chocolate.
“ Antioxidants are found in vitamins like vitamins C and E.
“ Antioxidants are found in carotenoids such as beta-carotene
“ Antioxidants are found in many substances provided by the body such as glutathione.
“Antioxidants are found in many herbs and enzymes.

The effects of antioxidants are enhanced by glyconutrients to offset the free radicals in your body…and, as a result of your athletic efforts.
Antioxidant capacity must be included in your sports diet or you can “steal Peter to pay Paul” with your workouts. As you will see, without the presence of glyconutrional in your sports nutrition regimen, the healthy benefits of your physical training will be offset by your own free radical intake.

Free radicals due, sport and sports nutrition
Free radicals are chemical species that contain one or more unpaired electrons that are able to exist independently. They form in the body for various reasons as branches of cellular activity or as products introduced into the body from the outside.

By analogy, imagine that the car engine’s function is to produce cells and the car’s exhaust is to produce free radicals. The engine produces products that cannot stay inside the vehicle without further damage. They simply need to be disabled and deported.

Free radicals form and cause damage by reacting with many substances in your body. It is estimated that more than 200,000 attacks of free radicals occur daily in our bodies.

When free radicals are damaged, the body is able to get rid of compounds formed by its cell repair system. However, if the body cannot deal with free radicals (e.g. antioxidants), or get rid of the compounds, disease can result.

Contrary to popular belief, free radicals do not circulate throughout the body. The half-life of most free radicals ranges from a few nanoseconds to about 7 seconds.

This means that they will react in the “neighborhood” (a few Angstroms or micrometers near where the free radical increase occurs)… organs, connective tissue, circulatory or nervous tissue, bone or Lymphatic materials are all candidates for free radical attack.

Wherever they form, they cause harm to the surrounding areas unless prevented by the body… So the body does NOT have to simply filter circulating fluids for free radicals. The body’s defenses must be… well… everywhere to neutralize the effects of free radicals. The antioxidant defense system must be healthy.

Since these are highly reactive substances, they readily react with all kinds of cellular elements. However, when they react with cells in your body, they can damage cells and even kill them. Normally, free radical damage can CHANGE cells enough to cause DISEASES like cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and many more.

The type of disease that occurs depends on which free radical defenses in the body are not working properly and where the free radical attack occurs.

The body has a rather complex antioxidant defense system. But, the body CAN be overwhelmed in these antioxidant defenses against free radicals…

Indeed, unless an antioxidant-rich sports diet (with glyconutrients) is used. To compensate for the increased amount of free radicals, the BODY will be affected by intensive sports training, stress and competition.

Glyconutrients NEEDED for Sports Nutrition…
Studies comparing marathon runners taking and not taking glyconutrient sports nutrition supplements have been conducted. The results “proven amazingly different models.” Antioxidant protection appears to be strongly enhanced against free radicals with glyconutrient supplementation. So the body was protected for a few days after running a marathon.

However, when glyconutritional sports nutrition is NOT used, the harmful effects of free radical loading appear to persist in the body for about five days.

As a result, subjects “constantly excrete free radical byproducts in higher concentrations…” than subjects with glyconutrients. It should be noted that study subjects ARE LOWER for other antioxidants, but did not contain Glycon Nutrition. Despite this fact, the results cited above were obtained.

This is another way of saying that when glyconutrient supplements are not used, the free radical burden on the body is




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