4 Best High-Protein Snacks for Stronger Muscles in Your 50s

3 min readAug 10, 2022


High-protein diets have always been popular with athletes. Their popularity has increased tenfold in the last 5 years with the advent of low carb diets that include high-protein foods.

The average person who does not exercise can eat foods with a moderate protein content. On the other hand, athletes and those following muscle-building diets should eat at least 1 gram per pound of body weight to build muscle. High-protein diets are the cornerstone of bodybuilders.

Bodybuilders always include a protein-rich food source in their daily diet.

Protein-rich foods you can include in your diet are:

Turkey breast Chicken breast Lean cut of red meat Lean pork Pork (most fish are high in protein) Eggs and intestines egg white Skim milk Low fat protein powder & bars Cheese.

Whether you’re looking to build muscle or lose fat, a high protein diet can definitely help you with both.

If you are trying to build muscle, you need to include plenty of protein in your daily diet to recover from your workouts and build muscle tissue. Protein provides the building blocks of muscle, and without it, muscle building and growth simply wouldn’t happen.

During weight training and hard training, muscle tissue breaks down. In order for this muscle tissue to rebuild and strengthen, we need to follow a high protein diet. It’s quite simple.

If your goal is to lose fat, a high-protein diet is also an absolute must. Most protein-rich foods are very low in carbohydrates and saturated fat.

Therefore, by including high-protein foods in your diet, you are also eating quality, low-calorie foods. To accelerate fat loss, it is generally recommended that one reduce carbohydrate intake and overall calorie intake. Protein-rich foods can help you achieve this.

The average person who trains hard and weighs 180 pounds needs a minimum of 180 grams of protein in their diet each day. This means at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Anything less and muscle building/recovery will be sub optimal. Some hard-working athletes consume up to 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight to accelerate muscle building.

This is not recommended for most people who require moderate amounts of protein. Total protein intake per day should be divided equally among 5–6 meals in a day.

The timing of protein-rich foods is also important. You should eat protein-rich foods all the time, but more at breakfast, your post-workout meal, and your bedtime meal. Start your daily high-protein diet by providing your body with good quality protein to start the day.

Then, immediately after a workout, consume a protein shake to help jump-start the muscle repair process. Finally, you have your bedtime meal where you need to consume a slow-digesting form of protein (mostly casein) that will provide you with a steady release of high-quality amino acids throughout the night.

Eating large amounts of protein in your diet can be very demanding. It takes a long time to cook protein-rich foods like chicken and turkey. The best way to get all your protein is to use protein powder. Protein powder is rich in protein and very convenient to use.

Just one teaspoon of protein can provide 20–2 grams of the highest quality protein available. Be sure to choose your protein-rich supplements wisely. Don’t get caught up in the magazine marketing frenzy. A pot of high-quality protein won’t cost you more than $30 at any given time.

If you decide to go on a high-protein diet, make sure to include plenty of vegetables and fibrous carbohydrates in your meals to aid in protein digestion. Try to eat at least two salads a day and/or steamed vegetables.

Also, try to maintain your protein-rich diet day in and day out to maintain a steady supply of amino acids to your muscles. Always remember that if you don’t get enough protein and calories in your diet, your body will use existing muscle tissue to repair itself.




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